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"Live Data" GPSing Installation

“Live Data” – is a GPS mapping installation developed with students at SPSU for the High Museum of Art. The project uses GPS data to allow people to be tracked through the museum on mobile devices. Users have various levels of control over their icon on the map and patrons movements are displayed in the gallery on a large display screen. Multiple layers of visual display are available. The project examines notions of the material/virtual duality of physical presence in the art gallery, and touches on aspects of surveillance. The project was first displayed as a test at the High Museum in November of 2012 by allowing patrons to select their favorite works by commenting on a projection that coincided with a map of the gallery (see image). This first iteration attracted hundreds of patrons to participate and was an accurate representation of choices by the public through data visualization. Development is in progress.


High Without Walls - Social media participation with Trover.

“High Without Walls” allows patrons of the High Museum of Art in Atlanta to take photos of what they consider to be artwork and upload them to a cloud space where they are displayed under the tag name “#Highwithoutwalls.” The project was first tested through the app Trover. The work reflects the collaborative and participatory direction of fine art practices and the museum’s willingness to embrace new perspectives with new media arts. Ideas for the piece were developed with students in the New Media Arts program at SPSU under supervision of Mark Nunes and Jim Werner. Participate at

© 2020 by James P. Werner

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